Data dodania

Wykład prof. Johna Lee z Manchester School of Architecture

Szanowni Państwo,
Uprzejmie zapraszamy, na wykład prof. Johna Lee z Manchester School of Architecture Manchester Metropolitan University, Atelier: Continuity in Architecture,
pt “Ironic Ionic Iconic – or how construction lost its meaning’.

Wykład odbędzie się w dniu 18 kwietnia 2023, w godzinach 9.45-10.45 w Sali 101, budynku WAPP.
Wykład objęty patronatem Dziekan WAPP, prof. arch. Ewy Pruszewicz-Sipińskiej

Wykład obowiązkowy dla studentów I i II stopnia studiów w języku angielskim

Organizacja wydarzenia:
Komisja ds. Kontaktów Międzynarodowych i Studiów obcojęzycznych
Kontakt Info: prof. arch. Adam Nadolny
Przewodniczący Komisji


Dear Academic Staff and Students,
We cordially invite you to attend Prof. John Lee's (Manchester School of Architecture) lecture entitled, "Ironic Ionic Iconic - or How the Structure Lost Its Sense," which will be presented at the Lecture Room 101,

18th of April 2023, from 9.45am to 10.45am PUT Architecture building.

Lecture under the patronage of the Dean of the Faculty of Architecture,
prof. arch. Ewa Pruszewicz-Sipińska

Lecture obligatory for Bachelor and Master students, Architecture in Eng

Professor John Lee is Senior Lecturer in Architecture at Manchester School of Architecture in England. He leads the Technology Courses across the Masters years, with a personal research interest in tectonic theory, ornament and design practices. He also leads the Continuity Studio Unit, investigating urban morphology and contextual design often in heritage settings.


Organization of event:
Commission for International Relations and English Language Studies, PUT Architecture
Contac info:
Chairman of the Commission prof. arch. Adam Nadolny
